Beginners Yoga

$15 /class

Combining Hatha yoga, Nithyananda yoga  (sourced from the vedic scriptures), Pranayama (breathing techniques) mantras (chanting), mudras (hand yoga) and relaxation techniqes

Advanced Group

$15 / class

This class is very much about develping strength,  physical fitness and flexibility to energise the body plus advanced spiritual practices including meditation techniques.

Private Classes


Personal tuition from Ruth is a great way to improve and develop an ongoing program that works on your specific issues. You can book in a private class either weekly or fotnightly. 

Reiki healing

$135 x 2 sessions

Reiki is a fantastic medium for healing and a powerful transference of energy. For 2 x 1 hr sessions you get hands on healing that feels like a massage just with energy itself.

Group Yoga classes - contact Ruth for days/ times
Private Yoga classes
Reiki healing